WayBeyond Software

John Horkan
WayBeyond Software

My Passion

Industries Served

Buzzed About...

I provide on and off-site consultancy services in all aspects of software system production focusing primarily on the Microsoft stack. This is ideal if you need targetted expertise over a short period of time or wish to have regular reviews of progress.

I do workshops, presentations, architectural reviews & recommendations, best practice adoption, solution architecture, emerging technology introduction, etc.


I deliver independent units of work, proof-of-concepts and/or complete systems that you may not have the resources to achieve internally.

If a project is beyond the capabilities of one (very experienced!) man I will manage my network of collaborators that can bring pretty much any system to life.


In the right circumstances I also fill an on-site contractor-style need over a period of months. This works best where there an on-site team has a specific skills gap that I can fill.

My pricing structure depends on location, duration, requirements, etc. However, money isn't a driving force so, whatever your budget, do get in touch.

After years of delivering systems in all sorts of environments I have pretty much assumed every role possible. Starting out in support at Apple I moved through development, design, architecture, leadership, enterprise architecture, entrepreneurship and continue to cycle through those roles Today.

For many years I have had a definite leaning toward the Microsoft stack but, of late, I increasingly find myself employing and recommending technologies from a much wider selection of vendors and open source communities.

I am seriously buzzed about some recent game changing advances such as CEP, Hadoop, NoSQL (particularly Graph Databases and Polyglot solutions), IaaS, Azure, IoT, etc.
Core development skills include: C#, Visual Studio, TFS, SQLServer, Oracle, DB2, JQuery, Winform, WPF, XAML, ASP.NET, WebSphere, WCF, Infragistics, MVVM, MVC , TDD, Agile/Scrum, CI, etc.

Industries Served
Ireland / UK
Unfortunately (for me) I am wired such that I give myself heart and soul to whatever project I am working on at any given time. In one gig that lasted several years, for example, I worked 280 days unpaid overtime to bring a vision to production. Not good business but my passion is crazy.
Between large clients gig I am always working on iniatives of my own. They vary wildly!
About WayBeyond

Seriously Buzzed...

...about Graph Databases lately particularly Neo4j & Cypher (mostly because they're really accessible and have a large following). I can see applications in the mainstream and even have some (either totally genius or totally naive ideas) of my own! For the average company I still think they have a journey ahead to truly offer a viable alternative to the more popular NoSQL and RDMS approaches but I am confident they’ll be mainstream very soon albeit as part of Polyglot solutions.

Been testing out Python and .Net client libraries - pretty decent. It’s still a specialized world, though, so caution is key – i.e. don’t let any muppet loose on your data.

Graph Databases

...about the whole “Big Data” movement in the average enterprise. Data has always been the key asset but also a problem to tame - us technologists have spent years separating, for the sake of bandwidth and space, the “noise” from, what we perceived to be, the valuable data. Today problems of bandwidth and space are largely a thing of the past so the possibilities are opening up to us. But I think we’re still in the “searching” phase trying to figure out how all the data we can access will provide value.

Of course, the key technology here is Hadoop but I'm loving Microsoft’s HDInsight platform because, again, it makes this world extremely accessible.

HDInsight / Hadoop